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With 115 affordable apartments, Cedar Grove was the first completed phase of new residential construction for the revitalization of Jordan Downs, a 1950s-era public housing development in Watts.

With 115 affordable apartments, Cedar Grove was the first completed phase of new residential construction for the revitalization of Jordan Downs, a 1950s-era public housing development in Watts.


Certified LEED® Gold, Cedar Grove maximizes solar opportunities, energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. Apartments at Cedar Grove are available to households with incomes ranging between 30-50% of the Area Median Income. To serve households at even lower income levels, some apartments have project-based vouchers and implementing the anti-displacement strategy, 72 apartments are replacement housing for existing residents of Jordan Downs.


Amenities include a community room, in-unit laundry, a community park with BBQs, and on-site management.


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the facade of the building is lit up at night
a woman sitting on a chair in a window
people sitting on benches in front of a tall building

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